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When we know it not?
For those who participate in the sacraments by means of parish liturgies, the scene will be familiar enough. A beautifully adorned and...
Amazon Prime?
Even those who consider themselves late entrants to the world-wide-web, will be familiar with the Amazon brand. Other service providers...
Croziers and Relics - symbolism or an ecumenical matter?
In canon law, juridic acts enjoy a presumption of validity. Equally, the law proceeds upon the basis that a person's outward declarations...
Popularity Contest?
In our times, "knowledge" is seemingly accessible everywhere. Communications are instantaneous and, so it seems, are increasingly made...
Stress Testing?
Some days ago, whilst visiting an enclosed contemplative order, I happened upon a book: "Difficulties in Mental Prayer". Published in...
The wizardry of selon moi?
It has been some time since the last article was posted on this website. There has, as readers will know, been much to write about, but...
Speculum Iustitiae?
As certain agencies report the conviction and sentence of Cardinal Pell to a term of 6 years imprisonment, others feature the decision of...
Voiding the word?
In recent days I have been approached on two separate occasions by diocesan priests. Both wished to raise concerns. The first, related...
Silent Witness?
When afflicted with trials and difficulties, one may be tempted to succumb to a feeling of being overwhelmed. In such times, we may allow...
Essere agitato or agere sequitur essere?
It was once said that "a week is a long time in politics". Perhaps those viewing the media coverage of Church events will have come to...
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