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Fit for a King?
The English have a saying: "In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Expressed in the contemporary language of visual...
A Person of Interest?
In the past week, a number of matters have been brought to my attention which, whilst emanating from different parts of the world, bear...
Father's Day?
Within a number of countries, today marks the event in the national calendar known as 'Fathers' Day'. Convention dictates that greeting...
Social Distance?
It has been over 2 months since an article was last posted here. Lest this introductory statement should be received as too redolent of...
Beyond presumption?
Canon 220 of the Code of Canon Law encapsulates a principle common to both the civil and canonical traditions, namely: the presumption of...
Sense or Sensibility?
In their "From the Depths of Our Hearts" Pope Benedict and Cardinal Sarah express their shared anxiety for the ease with which certain...
Be Not Afraid?
Today marks the fifteenth anniversary of St John Paul II. No amount of writings, learned articles, or, biographies can do justice to this...
Seeing or Believing?
In recent days, a good deal of anguish has been expressed concerning the closure of churches and the non-celebration of the sacraments in...
Dominus est?
These past weeks have witnessed some remarkable events within the life of the Church. Edicts declaring the cessation of the public...
Sign for the times?
In the Office of Readings, we are reminded of the humanity of Jesus. Written by St. Pope Leo the Great, the champion of the hypostatic...
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